Project: Hoornaar
On the edge of the village of Hoornaar in the province of Zuid-Holland, situated within the ribbon development on the Lage Giessen, a former farmhouse and its farmyard are being redeveloped. The living area at the front of the building (in Dutch: het voorhuis) is being renovated, while the back area – once the animal dwelling (in Dutch: de Deel) – will be rebuilt to contain three new houses. Two more, detached, houses will be built behind the former farmhouse. In addition, a barn-like building will be erected to accommodate four carports and four storage areas. These buildings together will form, as it were, a farmyard with its own shared access road.
The plots of grassland on either side of the farmyard will become joint property of the homeowners, whereby an unobstructed view can be guaranteed at all times. A complete plan has been made for the farmyard and the grassland, including a suitable proposal for vegetation.
Category: renovation, residential properties